Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Does this thing work? I hope so.

Sub Zero just won the cheesecow at Cooler. Unfortunately, I could not attend and Truck + Machine were not there. They elected for the "new" choptank (and neither made the quarters, I need to find out what happened).

Not much comp besides some Madison current + alum teams. KC looks solid again, it will be interesting to see how they do at Tune Up and Regionals. The finals was something like 15-12. With our d failing to convert some early goals and their d getting some breaks late in the game. Can't wait for Tune Up, er, Heavyweights. I am tired of working out over weekends when my team is winning tourneys. Maybe there is something to that.

I did get to watch Ray and Fog of War this weekend. Good movies, I loved Fog. If you are a history buff, you should watch. If we get a chance to get away, I want to see Aristocrats (high on the Dikeman rating) or St. Ralph. But most likely, we will wait for the DVD.

Lucy is awake, time to stop this.


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